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RSVP System is a small project aiming to provide a flexible set of building blocks (recipes) for creating room reservation, inventory loan, team schedule, and other date-based applications. 

More information on Drupal Recipes can be found in the upstream project documentation repository.

RSVP System Composer
A composer file to help quickly stand up common Drupal modules, libraries, and patches.

RSVP System Cookbook
Contains the RSVP System Cookbook. Provides Drupal Recipes for building calendar websites with reservation, schedule, and event features. Visit the documentation site for a feature overview.

RSVP System Documentation
Contains documentation and sample data for the RSVP System. Documentation and Example Files from this repository are served live on

RSVP System Module
Custom Modules for RSVP System. Additional modules for features that can not be configured through Recipes. Custom data validation actions for ECA would be an example of modules in this repository. See the documentation page for more information,

Drupal Radix Theme
RSVP System does not provide a theme. Here is the Radix In-HouseTheme used for demonstration on


Map Example

Subscription Example