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FOOBAR2600-A DEBUG: Page navigation is being included here. components/page/page.twig is calling : block page_navigation : radix:page-navigation

foobar2600: block--system-main-block, a block template

/people/ > /people/{neighborhood}

People Tab Blocks
A two-tab block layout featuring senior leadership and faculty as the primary display. A secondary tab provides a prominent space for the central office teams.

The navigation structure can be climbed as a breadcrumb.  The top-level /people URL features a full (quick) listing of all people. 
Senior leadership and faculty listings can have additional accordions for marketing fields. 

BLOCK TABS:  Senior Leadership  | Central Teams & Support

Profile Display Template for Senior Leadership and Faculty:
- Primary Neighborhood Taxonomy
- Marketing Team Professional Photo, or default image
- Display Name
- Position Title  (aligns with external systems)
 -- Secondary Display Name
 -- Marketing Team Bio Blurb
 -- Personal Link(s)

Profile Display Template for Central Teams, Offices, and Technology Support:
 - Primary Neighborhood (Taxonomy)
 - Display Name
 - Secondary Display Name
 - Position Title (aligns with external systems)

User Profile URL Paths for site accounts

The path auto paths for auto-provisioned and Feeds loaded user accounts.

Name Sort descending Position Neighborhood Roles (Demo Only - Hide Me in Production)
Adriana Păun Engineer West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Agnieszka Zielińska Scientist South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Aida Petrović Officer South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Alejandro Rodríguez Researcher Old City Neighbor, Block Captain, old_city_access
Aleksandar Jovanović Scientist Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Alina Mănescu Director South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Álvaro García Technician Fishtown Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, fishtown_access
Anastasia Petrova Coordinator Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Anders Johansson Administrator Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
André Fernandes Consultant Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Andréia Pereira Agent Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Ángela Navarro Coordinator South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Anne Weber Strategist West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Annika Johansson Technician Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Antonín Dvořák Instructor Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Arnaud Laurent Director South Philly Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, south_philly_access
Béla Nagy Advisor Manayunk Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, manayunk_access
Björn Andersen Advisor Fishtown Neighbor, central_access
Bogdan Stoica Developer South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Brigitte Østergård Executive Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Carla Castro Researcher Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Carlos Gómez Architect Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Clémence Petit Researcher Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Damir Pavić Strategist Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Daniël Bakker Developer Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Daniel Neumann Architect University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Dávid Molnár Assistant Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
david_blanco Consultant University City Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, university_city_access
Dominika Kováčová Officer Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Elena Popa Manager Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Elísabet Jónsdóttir Researcher Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Élodie Laurent Director Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Emilia Jönsson Designer South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Erik Svensson Executive West Philly Neighbor, Block Captain, west_philly_access
Eva Lorenz Architect West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Fátima Costa Instructor Northern Liberties Neighbor, Block Captain, northern_liberties_access
Felipe Costa Specialist Passyunk Square Neighbor, Block Captain, passyunk_square_access
Félix Martin Analyst Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Fernando Pérez Inspector University City Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, university_city_access
François Dupuis Analyst Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Frida Berg Consultant Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Gabriela Novak Specialist South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Giorgio Rossi Designer Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Greta Hansen Coordinator South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Guillaume Leroy Manager Manayunk Neighbor, Block Captain, manayunk_access
Günther Klein Agent Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Håkan Svensson Consultant Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Henri Lefevre Assistant Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Henrik Hansen Advisor Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Hilde Müller Assistant Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Ilona Virtanen Administrator Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Inês Sousa Researcher Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Ivan Novak Administrator Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Iván Pérez Scientist Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Ivana Kovačević Director Passyunk Square Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, passyunk_square_access
Jan Fischer Analyst University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Jana Novak Manager Northern Liberties Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, northern_liberties_access
Janina Kowalska Architect South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Jānis Bērziņš Coordinator Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Jasmina Stojanović Planner Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
João Silva Coordinator Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
José Antonio Manager Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, Block Captain, rittenhouse_square_access
Juan Martínez Advisor Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Jürgen Müller Administrator Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Kārlis Ozoliņš Strategist Northern Liberties Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, northern_liberties_access
Katarina Đorđević Director Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Kristina Schmidt Executive University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Kristína Tóth Researcher Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Krzysztof Zieliński Advisor Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Lauri Korhonen Engineer Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Léa Bernard Supervisor Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Lena Nilsson Officer Center City Neighbor, central_access
Linda Svensson Technician Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, rittenhouse_square_access
Lisbeth Sørensen Engineer Passyunk Square Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, passyunk_square_access
Ljubomir Đorđević Researcher Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Lucía Fernández Inspector Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Luciana Álvarez Consultant University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Luis Castillo Specialist University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Luis Martín Assistant Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Łukasz Nowak Director Germantown Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, germantown_access
Mārcis Kalniņš Designer Germantown Neighbor, Block Captain, germantown_access
María López Administrator Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Maria Schmidt Scientist University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Marija Petrović Specialist University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Mário Santos Coordinator Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access
Martina Horáková Engineer Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Mateusz Wiśniewski Coordinator Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Mélanie Robert Assistant Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Miguel Ángel Officer Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Mihaela Popescu Coordinator West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Monika Adamczyk Agent University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Natalia Novak Scientist South Philly Neighbor, south_philly_access
Niko Kallio Officer South Philly Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, south_philly_access
Nina Ivanović Inspector Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Olivier Dubois Researcher Germantown Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, germantown_access
open_source Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access, south_philly_access, university_city_access
opensource University City Neighbor, Block Captain, university_city_access, Administrator
Oskar Nilsson Director Old City Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, old_city_access
Pablo Ruiz Advisor Old City Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, old_city_access
Päivi Lehtinen Specialist West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Patrícia Nunes Advisor Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Pauline Michel Strategist University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Pavel Kuznetsov Officer Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Per Andersson Manager Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Péter Horváth Instructor Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Petra Janković Architect Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Raimundas Žukauskas Agent University City Neighbor, university_city_access
Rémy Fournier Architect Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Renée Dupont Scientist Fishtown Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, fishtown_access
Resident 10 West Philly West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Resident 6 West Philly West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Resident 7 West Philly West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Resident 8 West Philly West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Resident 9 West Philly West Philly Neighbor, west_philly_access
Sally González Developer University City Neighbor, Block Captain, university_city_access
Sébastien Girard Researcher Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Silvia Bianchi Coordinator West Philly Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, west_philly_access
Simona Albu Planner Passyunk Square Neighbor, passyunk_square_access
Sofia Antonova Engineer West Philly Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, west_philly_access
Sofie Jensen Developer Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, rittenhouse_square_access
Sören Schmidt Advisor Fishtown Neighbor, Block Captain, fishtown_access
Stefan Popescu Instructor Northern Liberties Neighbor, northern_liberties_access
Svetlana Ivanova Administrator Manayunk Neighbor, manayunk_access
Tânia Freitas Inspector Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Thomas Larsen Consultant Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Tim Schmitz Manager Rittenhouse Square Neighbor, rittenhouse_square_access
Tomáš Novák Specialist Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Tomasz Kowalski Strategist Manayunk Neighbor, Neighborhood Moderator, manayunk_access
Tomislav Radić Specialist South Philly Neighbor, Block Captain, south_philly_access
Václav Černý Assistant Old City Neighbor, old_city_access
Viktor Kovács Architect Germantown Neighbor, germantown_access
Zoë Smith Specialist Fishtown Neighbor, fishtown_access